Saturday, December 12, 2020

"President by Theft, Joe Biden"

I find fascinating the numerous columns and social media comments being shared that suggest Pres. Trump's fighting the election's officially sanctioned "outcome" is solely personal.

That he has intense feelings about it I do not doubt. But so do some 70,000,000 or more Americans. And that for the very same reason.

This "election" appears to in fact be an appointment being made by those who see themselves above the common man. With the media and corporate world acting as their handmaidens and abetters.

To hell with them all. -That about sums up my own feelings.

Such have always existed. Serfdom for the greater number has always been their goal. (Just look at their personal lives and see the evidence for that -- forget their oh, so "noble" words.)

For four years these same people and institutions tried to undo the people's choice of 2016. With every sort of lie and machination.

The President resisted them then -- and so did we the people.

And still. No matter what the outcome. For might does not make right. Now now. Not ever.

"President by Theft, Joe Biden." That, should he and they pull the off, will be the only title I will call him.


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