Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What's Coming...

The Kavanagh War is over. Goodness won. The left's malicious gossip machine lost and lost badly.
What's next? I'll make a prediction:
I do not think the left has kept the ridiculous Mueller Investigation going for nothing. What I expect is a sudden and very dramatic release of "findings" that appear to sully President Trump, his administration and by connection we who support him. And these "findings" will be made public carefully timed so that the owned media can air the doubtful dirt with sensational headlines leaving little or no time for objective evaluation of their dubious worth.
Why do I make this prediction? Simple...
1) It is, as we have just witnessed, what they do. And 2), It is really the only tactic they have remaining to them.
The good of President Trump's approaches - those of harnessing America's strengths to resolve America's problems -- are working. People are starting to once again dream, and plan, and hope. And those dreams, plans and hopes are based on things that we the people ourselves want to do with our lives. They are not dependent on our being either squeezed or hugged by some overpromising, bloviating, government machine.
The left and the so-called "Deep State" -- those who have been quietly controlling our nation for a good many years and steering everything their own way -- are losing control. To us. To We the People.
They are frightened. They are cornered.
And a frightened, cornered, animal is a dangerous thing.
We should expect their teeth.
They will be coming.
And then what?
We will beat them once again.

We should expect their charge. 


Monday, October 8, 2018

Hate? I want none of it

Anyone else simply tired of hearing all the drummed-up anger and hate?
The lies about now Justice Kavanaugh were to me disgusting, but the stories had to be aired; the questions resolved, that so a just decision could be made.
But now? Both left and right seem to want to keep this hatefest going. And with such can only come division.
Maybe doing that, today, is the norm for the Democratic Party. They as a political party no longer seem to have either ideals or an agenda for building up our nation -- only for tearing it down. But conservatives say they favor the ideals expressed in the Pledge of Allegiance" -- words that speak of "one nation, under God, indivisible."
We cannot again be "one nation" if we keep seeing only the bad in one-another and harping on our differences.
We cannot hope to be "indivisabe" unless we, ourselves, stop creating divisions, but instead look to put balm on the wounds that past division and hate mongering have created.
No, this does not mean ignoring the differences that exist between us (some of which remain very important to resolve). But it does mean being willing to see the good that is be found even among those with whom we in some areas differ. And it does mean lowering our voices -- and sometimes even covering over our own disappointment and pain.
For myself this means turning off the hate switch. And turning off supposed "news" sources that do little to inform and much to stir up anger.
This, sadly, includes Fox News -- a source that at one time I appreciated for its willingness to cover stories that most of the media ignored, but today does as much as any to keep the hate going and noise level rising. This, I assume, to gather viewers and readers.
For myself I will have none of it.
My neighbors who vote for Democrats are not my enemies.
Shallow thinking "entertainers" are not the voice of the people no matter which party they support.
Spouting hate -- or quoting those that do for the purpose of headlines and sensationalism -- is not to me proof of love of our nation. No, quite the opposite.
We can fight for principles and speak unpopular truths without trying to cause division.
Making America great again must include binding our nation's wounds and helping us to be again "united." Not just fifty united states, but as important, a united people.
Hate? I want none of it.
