Thursday, November 26, 2020

My Thought for the Day -- Thanksgiving, 2020


I expect that all of my readers here know that I am a very strong and appreciative advocate of and for President Trump. Some may not know that I was not so at the beginning. Indeed I wrote and saw published articles strongly urging that he not be the Republican candidate back in 2016.

I later posted a mea culpa and apology, simply saying "I was wrong."

Why? Because I was.

The truth is -- and one can go on for pages on the "why" of this -- Donald Trump is without question the most consequential president of my (all of our?) lifetime.

I shan't repeat that lengthy list here this morning. But I will share just two things that matter greatly -- things that would not have happened if Pres. Trump was not the feisty, never-say-die, person that made and makes so many -- and yes, that once included me! -- dislike him so.

Point one. His insistence on his right and duty as president to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

The pressure on him not to do so was intense. The Democrats, their lock-step medis sycophants, the TV talking heads, the entire military/university complex -- all were shouting out "No! No! No!!"

Yet if he hadn't last night's protection of religious freedom simply would not have happened. The three court liberals, joined by the never-to-be-trusted pretty boy Chief Justice -- would have ensured that. Gone. Wiped out. And for that alone the President deserves our unending thanks.

Would ANYONE else -- would those that I myself had wanted to see elected president in Donald Trump's place -- have had the cojones to get Amy Coney Barrett sitting where she ought sit at this critical time? In one word: No.

And maybe of even greater import, now, is D.J. Trump's willingness to stand and fight what is now more and more clearly seen to be what it is: A total phonying -- the total fraud -- that was not just the election itself, but the entire election plan of the Democratic Party. -The putting into office by totally corrupt means a man of limited mental faculties -- that so he could and would be used to totally change the character of our nation. To turn it into a kleptocracy instead of a free republic.

Can you think of and name a single other man who could have, and would have, effectively resisted what these 'kleptos' had in mind for us ? And, yes, still have in mind (for this battle has not yet been won).

Yes, all of this is a reason, not only to be truly thankful -- to celebrate this grand national holiday just as President Lincoln had in mind for us as a people -- but to see it -- to see ourselves as a people -- as both truly blessed, and saved, by God.

Yes! "In God we trust" -

Saturday, November 14, 2020

'Preyed' or the 'preyed upon' -- which are we?


I find it interesting that past president Barack Obama focused on our current president's resistance to very apparent corruption of the vote as “one more step in delegitimizing, not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally" and thought that to be "a dangerous path.” That while he had not a word about the very real and apparent corruption of this oddly ongoing election itself hurting our democracy -- destroying any remaining trust of the very people its government is supposed to be 'of, by and for.'

But then again, Barack Obama is from Chicago. And there such corruption -- and a general acceptance of it -- has long been seen as the norm.

I suppose that in a real sense these two presidents, one who followed the other, well represent the divide in our nation.

One, Obama, is smooth to the point of being glossy. The other is truly rough-hewn, sometimes even coarse.

One made his way in the greater world and became wealthy by building -- well rewarded for his own hard work. The other also got rich -- he, too, lives in a mansion -- but he did it via political gift giving and its peculiar form of 'reward for services rendered.'

America, too, is so divided. Some see that divide as simply being the difference between givers and takers.

I don't see it that simply. In large part because "giving" is a voluntary act. A good and positive thing. Where what I see is more akin to the 'preyers' and the preyed upon.

Some 'preyers' are people on the bottom -- those made dependent, be it by life's circumstances (often brought about by the dereliction of others) or by simple choice -- having taken the easy way out of life's challenges. Other are people on the top who use and abuse these beneath them. -This later a common trait found in lifetime politicians.

The preyed upon come in to several sorts as well. Those willing to simply take it as it comes, and those who refuse to do so.
Fortunately for humanity none of those states need be permanent. Occasionally a once 'taker' decided that the time for taking is over, and he or she becomes a giver. Some once upon a time willing to simply be someone else's prey simply somehow reaches a breaking point and comes to have had enough of it. (We call that "getting a backbone.")

And there you have the current American divide. Some take, some give.

Some put up with what "is." And others simply have come to think that enough is enough and have determined to be preyed upon no longer.

These later are Trump people. They comprise roughly half of the nation. The others -- be they the 'preying' type -- the takers -- or the accepting preyed upon -- are threatened by this. And there you have America as it exists today. A divided 50/50 nation battling it out for whose way holds sway.

It will not be long before we know who wins and who loses in this very real ongoing conflict. -

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Few Thought on the Ongoing Election Madness


*The central thing used to be winning votes.  Now it is winning power.  -Two very different things.

The first is predicated on the idea that ours is to be a government 'of, by and for the people.'  Today the "people" are seen as merely an obstacle to be won over, or equally, bamboozled or ignored.  The goal is no longer reaching them, but getting past them.

-Thus the selective hiding of essential facts and the blatant twisting of stories to those ends.

This has always been so on the margins -- within cities owned and run by a corrupt party apparatus -- but such was looked down upon -- seen as an aberration. Today it's what hired political operatives, many lawyers, and the media see as simply the means to getting what they think they deserve.  More power.

And "the people"?  These matter really not at all except as a means to an end.

And thus making 'the people' easier to bamboozle and easily countable or over-countable at election time is the long-term focus.

Again, such was long so in a few corrupt cities.  Beer barrel voters. But today it is an almost open goal with non citizens increasingly given a voice in the selection of elected (can we even reliably use the phrase "duly elected" any longer?) officials, and, more recently the push to allow convicted felons to vote.

Too the dumbing down of education.  Thus the push for open borders. -The more unlearned the better. The easier comes the bamboozling and, yes, the outright vote buying with government program giveaways -- or so the common understanding has fr some time been.

*The selective silence about some election results along with the loud trumpeting of other results is also a part of this.  As is the timing of such.  

This has been increasingly so as the shift from winning votes to winning power has become the modus vivendi.  But new (it seems to me) this election is the willingness to actually publicly stop counting votes until new ones can be "found."  As is both the handmaiden media's willingness to go along with this, and the poorly educated's seeming willingness to accept both the fact of it and the excuses used to justify it.

*That all the above has not totally succeeded is because of the fundamental truths that underlie our republic -- especially that of the basic equality of man. For while untaught and "deeply  feeling" people have been successfully created  by the system (Check out slang word "Karen"!) the bringing in of supposedly easy to lead and mislead migrants has not  gone entirely according to plan.

Before the present election day debacle is resolved due credit will have to be given to the bulwark that the supposedly easy to lead and mislead hispanic population -- most especially those who came here from Cuba and Venezuela -- has proved to be. They who had been fed the socialist lie and line before and knew the "truth" about it. Such simply were not easily fooled. Thank God for that and them!

I am sure that there are many more lessons to be gleaned from what we currently are experiencing.  But those are a few that have come to my mind this morning.

"In God we trust"
