Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Some Thoughts About Mask Mandates

Regarding the early encouragement to wear masks -- and then, a bit later, the start of the mask mandates -- it seemed good to ask myself "why are they doing this?" A respected and very knowledgeable friend very early on told me that this really was a matter, not of health, but of control. I filed away his words but tried to see some supposed good, at least in motivation.

The closest I could come to finding that was by accepting the common credo that it is better to do something than to do nothing.
But life has taught me that credo is in fact wrong. History shows more harm is often done from social scheme "trying" -- at least in the larger sphere -- than just letting people experiment and perhaps find something truly effective, if not universally, than for themselves.
But the real revealer was the opening up by some about the "Great Reset." -Part and parcel to the new world order among the Devos gang. Put that in with what anyone can see -- the total hypocrisy of the application of the mask mandates, the insane and contradictory rulings on to whom and when it applies. And to that the smaller example of what the numbers above show. That those who broke the rules -- the homeless camps, the BLM/Antifa rioters -- for all their organizes mayhem did not bring on a deadly number of cases. It was just statistical noise.
Then see who is getting rich by the mandates. Whose lives are being destroyed. (The hard working middle class - today's Kulaks) and it all then makes sense.
Add the benefit of separating people and making them feel vulnerable and cut off and it all fits together. Right in there with all the other crap people are today accepting. Re society, re history, re Christian faith, re family structure, re schools, re even basic truths such as there being two genders determined by the basic genetic coding.
We are in the world of madness. Mask mandates are only a very small part of it -- but part nonetheless.
Can wearing a mask do any good? Under certain circumstances, yes. Surgeons wear them. But they also, and with equal weight, wear sterile gowns and shoe coverings -- and these only while in a sterile environment. -If they leave that, even for a moment, all of that is gear is removed and replaced.
Beyond that, no. And if they are being exposed to an actual known deadly infection even more is needed. Sealed suits and a controlled filtered air supply.
The masks are at best symbolic.
Wear 'em if you wish. Wear 'em, maybe, just because you're asked to. But believe the mask mandate crapolla? No. It just doesn't hold up under scrutiny. -

1 comment:

  1. Your correct. The masks ARE a form of control. Just anothe hint of the Socialism adgenda that is being introduced in America. Along with the government shut down of businesses and restaurants that have been taken place, making our citizens more dependant on government handouts needed to survive. If a business or homeowner cannot pay their mortgage, guess what....the government can seige the property! Hmm, remember when this recently happened in Cuba and Venezuela? If you don't wear a.mandated mask, you will be fined and arrested if you don't pay the fine. So, masks are just another tool used by those who want socialism control in America!


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