Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Thought for and about our times. Our Day. Our Hour


Where do we stand as a nation? As a world of people still yearning to be free?  The answer is ON THE BRINK.

Yes, on the brink of losing our hope, our dreams. Even those already struggled for and accomplished.

No, not from Covid 19.  There have been many, many worse plagues throughout human history. Worse in their leatheality. Worse in myriad ways.  But none so intentionally made destructive to the lives and livelihood of millions upon millions of well people.

Not from "climate change."  At most a chimera fear brought to our attention with grave life-changing demands. Demands that those who push the fear themselves do absolutely nothing about, except making their own lives richer, fuller and, yes, noticeably exempt from any of the supposed 'costs of repair."

No, the threat we face is to something far more basic:  That to human independence. Thought. Ideas. Opportunity.  A threat being brought about by, on one hand, an intentional breakdown of the basic rules of conduct that have until recently opened up those very ideals to a greater and greater number of people across the globe. Ideals once beautifully and pithily phrased as "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." And a threat that on the other hand is being brought about by corruption and institutionally supported lies. Darkness. Fakery. Falsehood.

Right now -- today! this very moment! -- all of that negative power is being brought to bear by a fake and stolen election.  One carefully planned to be invisible, but one that was so close to being overwhelmed by the support of the common man for the good being done by America's first 'above the political Parties' president in at least decades (actually, I think, much longer) that the established powers had to go out on a limb to pull that faked election off. And thus, at least as to secrecy, they have not.

In short: WE KNOW.

Now it is up to us to do something about it. 

Yes! To be willing to pay any necessary price to protect hundreds of years  (some would say thousands) of human struggle. Struggle toward those basic ideals:  Life. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness.

For us.

For all.

For future generations.

Don't buy the lies, friends.  Don't subscribe to fear -- or to hopelessness.

Ignore the media propaganda.  See their "fact checking" for what it actually is -- and isn't.

See their quest to silence us, too, for what it represents: Their own fear of light and truth.

We the people have the power. We have the tools. We even, by the grace of God, have the leader.

In God we trust.  

Upward! Onward! Dethrone the self imposing monarchs of wealth and greed.

Now is our time. 

Now is our day. 

Now is our hour.


1 comment:

  1. You speak the absolute truth! The real problem is that The Supreme Court will not even hear / see the evidence of the fraud that occurred during the election in the Democrat controlled swing states. 100's of testimonials, videos and documentation have gone unheard because of their refusal. Although they all have taken oath to preserve and defend our constitution, they have failed the American people and forever our votes will not matter. The American people will wake up soon and realize that The Democratic party will impose Socialism / Communism as their constitutional rights are stripped away one by one. I believe this will lead to a violent rebellion against the new "regime"..... and it won't be pretty.


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