Sunday, November 25, 2018

Continuing As "The Land of the Free"

When we Americans speak of our nation as "the land of the free" it offends some. Some abroad. Of late even some here.

When we speak of our government being 'of, by and for' the people-- and then act to ensure that it remains such -- we are derided for that.

But the truth of the uniqueness of our nation and its more traditionally 'American-minded' people is real. What has happened with Brexit once again has shown this.

The British people voted to free themselves of the EU with all its strictures and laws and crushing limitations -To become again a nation of their own, under their own dominion. And yesterday a deal was signed to deny them what they chose, and their Prime Minister told them in pretty direct terms to shut up about it. To simply accept it.

"This" she told them, "is the deal that is on the table, this is the best possible deal, this is the only possible deal.”

Of course it is not. It certainly is not "the deal" that our president would have negotiated. Yes, and insisted upon.

Will the British people simply accept it?

I'd say likely yes.

They'll for a short time moan a bit. And then they'll 'go off to the pub.' Just as they have when when so many other freedom sapping and empowered-empowering laws have been put into place.

Similar forces are at work here, too, of course And, yes, a great many are 'going to the pub' here, too. But not so far the majority.

May we remain "the land of the free." And may we realize that to do so we also remain (and in some cases yet become) "the home of the brave."
