Tuesday, December 15, 2020

We Must Keep Speaking the Truth About the Election Fraud!


Those in "authority" can call Joseph Biden what they choose, but Joe Biden was not "elected" by the American people. He therefor will never actually be the nation's elected president.

The how of this is out there, just not being made upfront. (YouTube has publicly announced that no video that even mentions the election fraud will be allowed to be posted.)

We can -- we should -- we MUST -- keep saying this over and over again. Not just saying it, but bringing forth the evidence; the proof.

The other side cannot allow a hearing of the evidence because that evidence is so strong, so instead they -- those who rigged the election and those who hope to benifit from its having been rigged -- demand silence.

Ridicule of that evidence and those who insist on revealiing it will follow.

CNN watchers, NPR listeners, readers of the NY Times and all the rest, will shake their heads. But they also will carefully avoid the evidence itself -- that because they must. For if heard this past election has to be seen for what it was and what it is: A fraud.

So I, and many others, will post the evidence. We will call out the fraud and the fraudsters. And, yes, we will no doubt get dumped on (and worse) for doing so.

What a small price that will be in comparison to what others have paid for truth and freedom. -Both of which are now being lost. Tossed away to be replaced by what?

That, I fear, the greater number will soon be finding out.


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