Thursday, November 26, 2020

My Thought for the Day -- Thanksgiving, 2020


I expect that all of my readers here know that I am a very strong and appreciative advocate of and for President Trump. Some may not know that I was not so at the beginning. Indeed I wrote and saw published articles strongly urging that he not be the Republican candidate back in 2016.

I later posted a mea culpa and apology, simply saying "I was wrong."

Why? Because I was.

The truth is -- and one can go on for pages on the "why" of this -- Donald Trump is without question the most consequential president of my (all of our?) lifetime.

I shan't repeat that lengthy list here this morning. But I will share just two things that matter greatly -- things that would not have happened if Pres. Trump was not the feisty, never-say-die, person that made and makes so many -- and yes, that once included me! -- dislike him so.

Point one. His insistence on his right and duty as president to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

The pressure on him not to do so was intense. The Democrats, their lock-step medis sycophants, the TV talking heads, the entire military/university complex -- all were shouting out "No! No! No!!"

Yet if he hadn't last night's protection of religious freedom simply would not have happened. The three court liberals, joined by the never-to-be-trusted pretty boy Chief Justice -- would have ensured that. Gone. Wiped out. And for that alone the President deserves our unending thanks.

Would ANYONE else -- would those that I myself had wanted to see elected president in Donald Trump's place -- have had the cojones to get Amy Coney Barrett sitting where she ought sit at this critical time? In one word: No.

And maybe of even greater import, now, is D.J. Trump's willingness to stand and fight what is now more and more clearly seen to be what it is: A total phonying -- the total fraud -- that was not just the election itself, but the entire election plan of the Democratic Party. -The putting into office by totally corrupt means a man of limited mental faculties -- that so he could and would be used to totally change the character of our nation. To turn it into a kleptocracy instead of a free republic.

Can you think of and name a single other man who could have, and would have, effectively resisted what these 'kleptos' had in mind for us ? And, yes, still have in mind (for this battle has not yet been won).

Yes, all of this is a reason, not only to be truly thankful -- to celebrate this grand national holiday just as President Lincoln had in mind for us as a people -- but to see it -- to see ourselves as a people -- as both truly blessed, and saved, by God.

Yes! "In God we trust" -

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