Monday, July 13, 2020

Can we again be "One Nation ... Indivisible"?

Last evening I shared on Facebook a short piece by rather middle-of-the-road (by my own standards) John Hinderaker entitled "Is Disunion in our Future?"    In it Hinderaker raised the real possibility of our country actually coming apart -- splitting in two.

Others less middle-of-the-road have been warning of that  occurring for a while now, and some are saying -- pointing to the burning and pillaging of various US cities by the left's ever angry hoards while supposedly "Democratic" legislators, governors and mayors, be it through action or inaction,  have in effect sided with the pilligers -- as proof.

The city of Portland (WA) -- once the seen jewel in the "woke" left lover's crown -- has seen violence, pillaging and destruction now every night for weeks -- and the toll on the city is far worse than the media is allowing the nation to understand.

Some say we've been here before. The riots and mayhem of the sixties was, they say, just as bad. Yet the sixties ended, prosperity and a measure of civility in time returned. "See!" such such say. "We've been through this before and it passed."

Only now, however, do many realize what else was occurring as this supposedly "passed." -The roaches hid away (in the universities) until the lights went out again. And lo and behold, here they are, more 'roachie' than ever.

Will the same thing come to pass this time? Will today's passions cool off and civility return to our nation?

My own expectation is that yes, the same will likely occur again. But for that to occur it will require that the 'fool me once, shame on you' "woke" -- those of all races and groups -- to admit they were used -- tricked! -- and, yes, vote in large numbers for to reelection of President Trump.

Is such possible?

I think so, yes.

For example I think of the middle class moms in Portland who no longer feels quite safe going into town -- and that's if her favorite shops are not already boarded up.

Will such go from "woke" to being actually awake to the degree that she was used?

Or the black middle class who had for a time welcomed the activists (black and white) -- taking them at face value -- only to realize that in reality those people shared none of the same concerns or interests.

My own semi-rural New Hampshire town still has totally peaceful streets, but even here of late there have been tensions mounting as the 'Portland, East" peeple (as perhaps only I call them) who have governed it are starting to be taken notice of -- and the harm they have been slowly doing to the town's working people's own interests.

What the future holds can not be reliably predicted. But if it is not to be division then it will have to be a pulling together on traditional American values. -Those that allows differences among us to exist because of the strength fo what holds us as a nation together. The supreme value of "life, liberty and the (personal) pursuit of happiness."

Then and only then can we be "one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.


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