Monday, May 4, 2020

"Give me liberty or give me death"

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Those famed words spoken by Patrick Henry were once learned and revered by every American kid. Today? Maybe not. But the truth and spirit behind them is far from dead -- and we are seeing this in a myriad of ways across our land. Ways that demonstrate the 'real deal' as Henry's words meant them to be understood. -Not as a mere slogan, but as a challenge, a sometimes dangerous wager, a true willingness to put one's honor and even one's life on the line -- just as Henry himself did along with all his compatriots during the time of this nation's founding.

To Henry facing such challenges ever meant a willingness to stand opposed to the common thought -- to reason for himself and then to act. This even to the point of opposing the ratification of the proposed American constitution -- this because he feared it put too much power in the hands of a distant government -- a power he wished to keep closer to home and more personal.

Is that spirit dead? Thankfully, at least to me, it seems not. We are seeing examples of it across our blessed land.

We need not in every way agree with one-another and what we each do in our personal battle for liberty. But we can (and should) take responsibility for ourselves -- and, like Henry, rejoice when others do the same.

Each of us today has a battle to fight. For some that may be best fought quietly and serenely, in-doors. For others it may be out on the streets, in shops, or even, perhaps, on the beach.

May those words, too, be our mantra. "Give us liberty or give us death"


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