First to go will be China, where to an amazing degree both flaws and failing rule the roost. -For there, as in every communist land ,the party-connected have taken on all the worst attributes of the royals of the past -- that as the working class has become mere serfs under their dominating rule.
The force behind this coming change in international relationships will not be movements -- neither of the "buy local" or the "make it here" variety. Instead it will come from the simple practical requirements of it. -The simple realizations that the
'one-world' dreamy ideal was and is too unreliable for businesses to depend on. Too fragile. Too unwieldy. And for these reasons too costly.
Factories will thus return to US soil.
But the fate of small local shops will, at least for the time being, remain uncertain. -That unless the buy from home and have it delivered schemes start to prove unreliable. (And so far they have not.)
What I personally find interesting is the parallel between this larger failure -- that of the 'one-world' ideal -- with its little sister - the movement to remove the significance of the family unit. -This just as the one-worlders wished and worked to remove the significance of historically separate and distinct nations and states.
Here, too, the turn away will be, and indeed already is being, led by the accomplished doers. That as they have in their private lives returned to the older, and largely ridiculed, ideals of lasting marriages, and children being brought forth only into the same.
Busy and involved with the kids' 'moms and dads'. Private schools that really teach. And for those -- that is their own offspring -- time proven lessons about the need for hard work and personal responsibility that society as a whole has for some time been largely and loudly rejecting.
And here too, as with the return to 'old school', local is best, economics -- this change will be (and is being) based on simple practicality. -The application of principles that really work in contrast to principles that merely sound good.
Along with all the above changes will be -- and we are, again, already seeing this -- a return to the honoring of those that actually think and actually do, and a turning away (at least as regards respect and admiration) from those who merely appear to do either -- be they those in Ivy League academia or in Hollywood.
What all the above holds in common is this -- something that so many of us have long been yearning for: America will be back. Independent, both in action and sprit, and built upon, as it was at its start, strong individuals and families that actually do, not merely those that talk.
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