Some people love President Trump. Others, with equal passion, despise him.
As anyone who follows me here on Facebook, or reads my pieces for American Thinker knows, I am in the first camp. And I'll add, increasingly so.
But in many cases this is not primarily for the reason of some others who feel just a strongly as I do about the excellence of America's president.
Trump arouses strong feelings both ways for TWO very different reasons.
The first of these is style. And there Trump is truly unique.
American presidents are supposed to represent the American people. But the commonly accepted assumption is that they are not supposed to do so with a common person's style. -There they are to emulate the elite few. Carefully chosen and articulated words. Somber pontification.
Yes, exceptions for this have been allowed. The Clintons, for instance (Both Bill and his "co-president" Hillary) could, with little negative comment from the inteligencia, drop their 'g's when speaking to less educated whites, or pick up the most frankly absurd fake accents when speaking to American blacks. But to actually, on a day-to-day basis, speak to Americans as they daily speak to one another -- this was seen as verboten.
The "why" of this is not hard to fathom when one realizes that the nation's self-seen elites see this nation as theirs, and the presidency naturally their's as well. To them the so-called "common man" is an ignoramus. Someone to just put up with. And to the extent possible simply ignore.
Getting back to myself I enjoy seeing and hearing the president talk as he does. But this mostly -- frankly! -- because its fun to see someone willing to be themselves, and to see them give the proverbial 'bird' to our know betters.
In truth I tend to speak more like those hated "elites." What can I say? I do. My career was at a Harvard institution, working day by day with professors and instructors there. And there I felt, at least speech-style wise, right at home.
Some people like to be excited by crowds and rallies. Such is human nature. And the President's enthusiasm for the same appeals to many greatly.
I'm glad for it -- We the (everyday) People being led and encouraged by one of our own -- but, again frankly, I don't like crowds. And I'm not a large group person.
I'm a once New Yorker who never cheered on the Yankees, and a once Bostonian who never ever cheered for the Patriots football team.
No, nor for their competition.
Cheering and crowds just aren't my thing.
My respect for President Trump and my connection to him is based on another reason entirely. -One that, again, many hate him for. That is his willingness to think things afresh. To accept what is so over what is supposedly so, or (worse) what people wish was so, know is not, but haven't the courage to admit to being a fiction or even an intentional lie.
This was so for the economy. For the damage done by the paper philosophy of "free trade." For the bolloxed numbers that made such appear to create general wealth, when in fact it only enriched the few, and that at great cost to the many.
About whom government largely serves -- its own. And that being especially so for the nation's Party systems. That the people are to them just cattle. Or worse, sheep -- to be fleeced.
About the truth of the importance of military strength. That "niceness" itself doesn't cut it. And that weakness makes one food or fodder for the strong.
About who are peacemakers and who are predators. Especially in the Middle East.
About real science vs fake.
About real families and their importance, instead of lets pretend families that are dependent on the states -- the work of others -- for their very survival. And who too often through poor parenting make once livable communities hell holes that make honest men and women flee or hunker down behind locked doors and gated windows.
President Trump not only speaks to such things, but he acts according to them. And by as possible making our government do the same he empowers and uplifts right minded Americans of every class and group. Yes, and unites us as a people.
Maybe it is the last of these things that makes some people hate him the most. For a united America will never follow those whose powers are based on division, nor will workers follow those who wish to enrich themselves by taking and promising to others what those workers have worked hard to earn and/or create.
In short for me it is not President Trump's style that makes me support him so strongly. That I just quietly enjoy with some amusement. But it is his *doings* that make me support him so. The dreams he is allowing the people to awaken and dream once again. Personal dreams. Dreams of a good society where all can equally prosper according to their own work and natural talent.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
His support for that America. The one I love.
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