Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sea Legs -- Who Has Them?

Sometimes one wishes one could look into another person's brain. Well, not "brain" exactly. More their thought processes. Or, even, said more frankly, what in hell they are thinking.
Here in America -- and apparently also in Western Europe -- there is a growing divide. Some -- and yes, this includes me and, according to a few recent polls, a growing plurality (if not yet an actual majority) -- see a righting of the long listing ship that is the social structure. People -- normal, everyday, thinking feeling, living souls -- are beginning to be able to walk upright again. The deck of our shared ship is for the first time in years approaching at least some measure of level. No, not there yet, but seen as coming. Others are feeling the need to hold onto something -- anything! -- for dear life. They feel as if they are about to slip off the deck into a cold and inhospitably sea. What's with that? The answer is, yes, in the mind. In our our thought processes. In, as above, 'what the hell we, and they, are thinking.' It was the mainstream media the coined the phrase "fake news." Bet they now wish they hadn't! -That because once one realizes that news can indeed be "fake" (who knew?) one opens one's eyes and starts looking. And that we have. And, yes, we are seeing. Our new president has many gifts. Reading the moment being one of them. When others, as I do here, ask "what are people thinking?" he intuitively just knows. And then, knowing, he can frame his words and actions to that minute's need. Some -- including theoretical thinkers and doers on both the left and the right -- saw, and even now see, this rare gift as a fault. But it is hardly that. No more than it is a "fault" when a skilled seaman can intuitively compensate for the next motion of the ship's deck -- keeping his footing and continuing normal forward motion using what to someone looking on appears to be an unnatural gate. Such a gate on a ship in port might indeed be just that -- unnatural. But on a ship in a roiling sea being able to do that is a total advantage. And we -- our societies and people -- are today on such a sea. Pity those who don't know it. Who believe that our ship is in fact in a safe and still harbor. Who think that the motion they sense is simply other people moving, when they themselves are stable and still. And so they stand there, not "seeing," In denial. And think that the skilled seaman with his odd step is... what? Drunk? Crazy? I think that is exactly the error that is effecting some people's thought processes. It is a view into their brains. Those, especially, whose hair has been blown dry -- and then lacquered there -- the so-called "talking heads" on TV -- those who look -- and indeed are -- totally out of place on today's storm tossed seas. -They, sitting in front of a blue screen, with an artificial view of the world inserted behind them. Oh, how glad we should be that we have a captain who can read the waves. And steer us on our course. He who to them -- holding on to whatever they can grab, in fear -- or staying in their bunks -- is seen as the one who is unstable. And that is what is happening today. -Going on in people's minds. May they, too, some time find peace and rest. But now now. Not until a true safe harbor can be reached. Meanwhile lets be thankful for our captain as we struggle to get sea legs ourselves and follow him.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Donald Trump -- "My Man"?

I've been enjoying a private conversation that this morning sort of reached a critical point -- a point I thought worth sharing.

The friend -- and he is a friend, a person whom I respect. One who has made many choices different from my own and come to some rather different conclusions about what is good for the human family and where its future better lies. Anyway, the friend, who says he in fact agrees with many of my observations about mankind's common plight, still... well I'll just quote him...

     "I agree with much of what you say but think it ludicrous that you believe DT is your man."

To which I offered this (very slightly edited here) response...

"I don't think in terms of Donald Trump being "my man."  But I do see him as being two things: The single voice who was able to see what was important to the many -- that the no-borders Davos crowd was swamping their hopes and dreams.  And who has what to me are unfathomable skills -- and the balls! -- to fight against all the entrenched powers.

That such should not be needed is I think for both of us a given.

But... have you ever been bullied?

Think of the peaceful studious or arty kid being constantly ridden by the jocks.  Then imagine that the "authorities" no longer care about protecting such. -That all the rules are there to allow the bullies to hold sway -- that while hiding behind nice words.

Then another tough street fighter appears. And he for whatever reason stands with and for the bullied and not the bullies.

That is what so many movies of the `70s were about. Dirty Harry. The Charles Bronson films.

One watches those films and roots for Dirty Harry. Did you never do so?

Why?  Because he is "nice"? "Sweet"?  "Innocent"?

No. Because the bullied *finally* have one of their own.


And, no, they don't disown him and turn against him when he shows he is what he is. A rude, crude, tough street fighter.

You have been in with the bullies.  Maybe not even realizing it.  So are many, many of the Upper West Side set that thrive on The New Yorker.

Their kids don't go to the public schools.
Their building have a door man.
They travel in closed in, safe, protected and quiet limousines.
Their wealth comes from the upper reaches that rewards... what?  Think about it.
And it is all  comfortably hidden under polite conversation. Even their wrinkles are hidden by hours and fortunes spent to that end.

Live among such and you'd better agree with them on everything. They tolerate no brooking of accepted thought.  And their tongues are sharp.

And then there is Donald Trump. The Queens ruffian. He who for years and years beat those people over and over and over again at their own game.

And now he is fighting for the people.

And yes, he really is.

Why? Pure motive?

I actually think so, yes. To the extent that anyone does. He made his fortune and now wants to be something more.

But does it really matter?  The point is he is doing it."

And yes, to me that is the point.  He is DOING IT.
