Yeah, I am. (No Facebook "selfie" though. My smile is too real for that.)
But *why* am I smiling?
Robert Browning sort'a captured it in his poem "Pippa's Song"...
"The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!"
Well, in truth all is not right. Of course not. (Browning, of course, knew that too) But so much is!
Here are just a few of those things. The things that are making me smile.
This may be the most beautiful Autumn I have ever experienced. Two "peaks" of color. (The 2nd going on now!) Clear and cool mornings, followed by sunny 'warm kisses' afternoons.
Jan is home with me.
What's the biggie in that? Simple: She is my best friend. My dear one. My love. My truthful companion. The light of my life. -And for the almost fifty years she and I have been "together" most of our days were spent largely apart. Working and/or whatever.
Now we are home together. Not linked by any rough-hewn knot. Not 'Siamese twins' to use an old, outdated, phrase. No, not at all. But together. On our own terms. In our own beloved home. And that all day long.
The world is getting "right" too. The world outside.
Have you noticed that?
No, you'd not think so by what the media is every day telling us. But it is.
Okay, not *their* world. No. Because their world is broken beyond fixes. They have lost control. (They and those they serve) and that's what they're so god-awful pissed about.
But yet it is.
Even the flashes of ugliness -- the anger (largely created and canned for public consumption) -- shows this.
Look at the numbers. The "stats." Things are starting to go right. Not for "them." But for us. The regular people.
Look at the faces of almost anyone who is seeing and thinking for themselves, and not repeating the mantra from above. They, too, like me, are smiling.
The "threats" -- those big, ugly, threats that are supposed to make us cower -- they are largely phony.
And what's more, more and more people are seeing that. And in the people's eyes the little laugh lines reveal that even when and where its still unpolitic to say it. Look and see!
Isn't all that WONDERFUL?
So yes. I'm smiling. A big, BIG, smile.
I hope you are too.
(And if not, please think about all the above.)
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